Saturday 23 October 2021

Walks around L' Avenc de Tavertet, Catalonia

Renovated by the commentator and politician Matthew Parris and his family, L' Avenc de Tavertet is a sixteenth century manor house set on a stunning escarpment. To get up to the two small car parks north of the big house, you need to take some tortuous country roads, complete with potholes and steep gradients. Alternatively, you could cycle here or hike part of the long-distance GR-151 route, which traverses the crags of L'Avenc. In any case, it is well worth the effort for the far-reaching views from what feels like the roof of the world. There are some trails that work their way through the undulating forest behind the house. Although the signs are intermittent, you should be able to find your way back to the cliff edge.