Friday 11 April 2008

Prince of Wales, Cleaver Square, Kennington, South London

Tucked away in the corner of a pretty square lined with Georgian terraced houses, the outside tables of this distinguished pub are a fine spot to enjoy a sundowner on a summer evening. Alternatively, you can take your pint and play boules on the gravel, tree-lined square. Inside, the Prince of Wales is a cosy, slightly battered Edwardian pub with dark red walls adorned with prints of mustachioed cricketers, gold-framed mirrors and blackboards advertising food and ales. Early on a Friday evening, it can get packed with lively bohemians (there are often half a dozen bikes parked outside) and you may struggle to get a seat. A Shepherd Neame pub, the beers on tap include Spitfire bitter, Invicta Ale and Holsten Export (£3.35 a pint). The staff are laid-back, but bar service is swift and there isn't a fruit machine or telly in sight. Dedicated to chatting and drinking, the Prince of Wales is an old-fashioned pub in the best traditions. 8/10